This recipe is pretty good. It's a basic pale ale. No frills, nice hop flavor & aroma, but not overpowering. Pretty easy to drink.
Pale Ale
8# Muntons Pale malt (Pearl)
1# Weyermann Vienna 2-row barley malt
.5 oz. U.K. Phoenix hops (a = 10.0%) - 60 minutes, bittering boil
.625 oz. U.K. Phoenix hops (a = 10.0%) - 30 minutes, bittering boil
1 oz. Willamette hops (a = 5.1%) - 0 minutes, dry-hop
.5 t Irish moss - 10 minutes, boil
American Ale & Belgian Saison Yeast
Original Gravity: 1.0548714(adjusted to 60ºF)
Terminal Gravity: 1.0134653 (adjusted to 60ºF)
Alcohol by Weight: 4.37446%
Alcohol by Volume: 5.58359%
Alcohol by Volume after topping to 5 gal: 5.02523%
Day 0 (13 DEC 2008)
Add 11 qts of 138ºF water to the crushed grain. Stir, stabilize and hold at 130ºF for 30 minutes. Add 6-8 qts boiling water to bring to 150ºF. Stabilize and hold at 150-154ºF for 60 minutes.
After conversion, raise temperature to 167ºF. Sparge with 170ºF water to collect up to 6 gallons of wort. Bring to boil.
Add hops and Irish moss according to schedule above.
Activate yeast. Quickly cool wort to 65-70ºF, top up with water if necessary, aerate and transfer to fermenter. Ferment 7 days.
S.G.: 1.0548714 (adjusted to 60ºF)
Day 7 (21 DEC 2008)
Rack beer to sanitized fermenter; take s.g. reading.
S.G.: 1.011
Temp: 67ºF
S.G.: 1.0118714 (adjusted to 60ºF)
Clarify and additional 1-2 weeks.
Day 13 (27 DEC 2008)
Rack beer to sanitized keg; take s.g. reading.
S.G.: 1.013
Temp: 63ºF
S.G.: 1.0134653 (adjusted to 60ºF)
Top up to 5 gallons. Siphon to keg. Tap immediately.
Good stuff. After a few days under pressure, really tasty. Nothing special, just a solid, slightly hoppy, pale ale.